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Project Alternatives

Project Description:

The project would extend from postmile 114.00 to postmile 114.90 on U.S. Route 395 just south of the City of Bishop. A continuous two-way left center turn lane would be constructed between postmile 114.00 to postmile 114.40, requiring widening of the roadway by 2.5 to 6 feet on either side. Four culverts within the project limits will need to be extended to accommodate the widening. Once culvert extensions are complete, each culvert will have a total length of approximately 100 feet. Culverts will be extended to no farther than existing Caltrans right of way limits.

A separate Caltrans project (Golf Course Two-Way Left Turn Lane II) also proposes to construct a continuous two-way left center turn lane on U.S. Route 395 from postmiles 114.40 to 114.90 and is scheduled to go to construction in 2023. However, two culverts within the limits of the Golf Course Two-Way Left Turn Lane II project will be extended as part of the Golf Course Two-Way Left Turn I project.

Build Alternative 1:

The build alternative, as described above, would widen a segment of U.S. Route 395 in order to construct a continuous two-way left turn lane. Additional Caltrans facilities, including culverts, roadside signs, and highway striping, will need to be replaced or upgraded in order to accommodate the widening of the highway.

No-Build (No Action) Alternative:

The no build alternative would maintain the existing facilities within the project limits on U.S. Route 395 as is. Selection of the no-build alternative would result in no project-related construction activities taking place. The no build alternative will not meet the project purpose and need, as it will not improve the safety and operational efficiency of U.S. Route 395 within the project limits. 

Two-way Left Turn Configuration:

Cross Section
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